Training Session: EABL
Topic: Certificate in Entrepreneurship Administrative (Startup) and Business Law (EABL)
Limited to 40 seats only
4-day training session: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th Nov. 2018
Registration fee: 9,900 baht per person (inclusive of VAT, documents, and meals)
Venue: Hall of Fame, C building, Assumption University, Huamark Campus
- Suvarnabhumi campus: ABLE Center, 2nd floor, VMC building; 02-723-2363; able-ubi@au.edu
- Huamark campus: 2nd floor, Queen’s Tower building; 02-300-4543-53 ext. 2873, 3785; thayjurat@hotmail.com
Bank Account
- Account name: Assumption University
- Account no: 418-1-00001-4
- Bank: Bank of Ayudhya